

wasmer run amscotti/keyboard_madness_runner

Keyboard Madness Runner

Simple program exercise given to me by an ex coworker sometime ago for fun. This is a Rust port of my program that was written F#.

Exercise details

"1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0"
"Q" "W" "E" "R" "T" "Y" "U" "I" "O" "P"
"A" "S" "D" "F" "G" "H" "J" "K" "L" ";"
"Z" "X" "C" "V" "B" "N" "M" "," "." "?"

Given this keyboard layout, an starting point of (4, 2) "G" and string of instructions, print out any selected keys. Instructions are separated by a comma, with some instructions haveing a count with them, meaning to repeat to give an action by the number of count.


  • "R" - Move Right, can also have a count like "R:3"
  • "L" - Move Left, can also have a count like "L:3"
  • "D" - Move Down, can also have a count like "D:2"
  • "U" - Move Up, can also have a count like "U:2"
  • "_" - Add a space to the selected keys
  • "N" - Add a new line to the selected keys
  • "S" - Select the key at that point

Any unknown instructions are ignored

Sample instruction looks like R,S,U,L:3,S,D,R:6,S,S,U,S which will output "HELLO"

Running Unit Test

Run cargo test

Run Command line Application

Run cargo run R,S,U,L:3,S,D,R:6,S,S,U,S


Simple program for execute instruction for positional typing on a keyboard

Usage: keyboard_madness_runner [OPTIONS] [INSTRUCTIONS]

  [INSTRUCTIONS]  Instructions to execute [default: R,S,U,L:3,S,D,R:6,S,S,U,S]

  -x <X_POSITION>      X starting position on the keyboard [default: 4]
  -y <Y_POSITION>      Y starting position on the keyboard [default: 2]
  -h, --help           Print help information
  -V, --version        Print version information


  • Run cargo build --release
  • Run with ./target/release/keyboard_madness_runner R,S,U,L:3,S,D,R:6,S,S,U,S

Build docker image and use local image

  • Build with docker build . -t keyboard-madness-runner
  • Run with docker run keyboard-madness-runner R,S,U,L:3,S,D,R:6,S,S,U,S

Keyboard Madness Runnerr


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