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(Warning: EXPERIMENTAL) Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.

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zig build tool
fschuett avatar
fschuett avatar
Hello World, from Zig
Brian Ketelsen
Brian Ketelsen
Brian Ketelsen
Brian Ketelsen
Building a toy lang in zig
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Building a toy lang in zig
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Retro action-rpg game written in Zig
Chris Heyes
Chris Heyes
Chris Heyes
Chris Heyes
a cli utility someday, for now mostly just exploring zig + wasm
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies
Chris Pecunies

Making software universally accessible